"Jay Bloobiday" was born June 1st 2014. He is bred by SHALANNO FARMS out of Kannan and Beatrice. Kannan is one of the most popular breeding stallion at this moment and in 2014 he captured the top position in the WBFSH stallion jumping list. Kannan has over 30 approved sons at different studbooks in the world. A fun fact to know is that in January 2015 Kannans descendants earned the most money in the Show Jumping sport.
"Jay Bloobiday" is very friendly foal. He is a little bit cheeky and loves human attention. With only 6 weeks old he won with praise the "Paardenfokdag Veluwe & Vallei" in Ter Schuur, a foal competition. The judges stated that he was a very flexible foal with an extreme good canter and balance. "Besides his outstandig breeding paper he has a good sportsmodel and a good character".